I had a great time in Calgary, I met some really good people and was fortunate to encounter amazing weather. I mentioned in my last post about an amazing coincidence concerning my hosts, well, it turns out my awesome travel companion Monika lived with Nicole and Marynia while she worked in Calgary. They were great friends and I somehow ended up couch surfing with them! Another great experience was visiting Monika’s former workplace, a coffee shop called The Roasterie. I met her friend Carmen and was treated to the best coffee I have had since I left Melbourne. So good I retuned the next day with Marynia to have another one before heading to Banff.
I also was extremely fortunate to meet Temple, a fun and inspiring lady. We hung out for an afternoon in Prince Island Park and she also kindly drove us to Banff, where we hiked around Lake Johnson and Lake Minnewanka before the rain came. I am very lucky to have met her, I had such a good time!